
Ask for help

If you are unsure about something or got stuck somewhere, feel free to join the user community and ask your question. Be as specific as you can so that others can help you more efficiently.

Report an issue

If something doesn’t work as you would expect, you can file bugs and requests for enhancements or new features in the issue tracker. Please follow these guidelines when reporting an issue:

  • Make sure it is really a bug or a missing feature (try the latest version of LilyPond and Elysium).
  • Search for similar issues to avoid duplicates.
  • Describe precisely the steps to reproduce the issue.
  • If relevant, include a screenshot or the problematic LilyPond input file.

Join the development

If you want to make Elysium better and give something back to the community, visit the developer page and join the developer community to learn more. Even the smallest contributions are welcome; your help is very much appreciated!